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Here at Summerfetes we provide a free email service for users to contact via email the advertised businesses within our directory areas.


General information
Summerfetes offers a free email service for individuals, website users or companies who wish to contact numerous or individual advertisers within the website. Summerfetes reserve the right to refuse to send out any email request where we feel the wording directly or indirectly is infringing upon copyright, includes a registered trademark, racist, defamatory, sexually oriented, not genuine in nature or may cause offence to any recipient company or individual. Summerfetes warrants that the email service will be provided with reasonable care in a professional and timely manner.
Emails services covered by these terms and conditions
These terms and conditions will apply to the following services:
Email advertiser
Forms located within advertisers listings via an envelope image link.
Email service disclaimer
All individuals, website users or companies should be aware that on occasions advertisers may not reply to emails, may be already booked or the general response to the email request has been limited. Summerfetes will not be liable for any losses or expenses incurred directly or indirectly where any individuals, website users or companies have relied solely upon the email service for their requirements, booking, trip, holiday etc, or where a business has not provided the service offered or where they may have to cancel their advertised attraction or service or cancel a booking, trip, holiday etc.
Abusing the email service (users)
By abusing we mean giving false or misleading information about your requirements which is deliberately aimed to entice businesses or for financial reward or gain. Forms of deception can include over stating inflated expected group size, false information about the amount of similar groups attending and other false information. If we receive complaints from any recipients we will immediately withdraw the email service from individuals, website users or companies who are abusing the free email service.
Redistributing the email service (advertisers)
As clearly stated under your advertising terms and conditions Summerfetes does not permit the redistributing or publishing of any email service request that you receive. Our email service forms a confidential privacy contract between users, advertisers and Summerfetes, redistributing to third parties or publishing without all party consent will result in the service being withdrawn from the advertiser and a review of the advertising contract.
Privacy Policy
By using any email service form and providing your contact information and details in the required form fields or text boxes you are consenting to those details being processed and emailed to recipients. Enquiries sent via the 'email advertiser' link will only be sent to that individual advertiser.
Acceptance of these terms and conditions
These terms and conditions apply to both sender and recipients of all submitted email services on this website. The placing and submitting of an email service request via the email advertiser form on Summerfetes shall amount to full acceptance of all the terms and conditions of usage above.
These terms and conditions are an extension of our existing full Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
More information
If you would like any further information or have any questions you would like answered we will be more than happy discuss them with you contact us
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