Driving experience days get behind the wheel of the iconic 'general lee' dodge charger and experience the power of this famous car as seen in classic tv show, the dukes of hazzard'. '.strtoupper('y')ou’ll test the powerful v8 engine to its limit as... Driving experience days the perfect experience gift for any sci fi or action movie fanatic with an interest in cars, this chevrolet camaro driving experience provides the ultimate cross over'! '.strtoupper('f')or 6 adrenaline fulled miles, you'll get... Speedboat experience days look no further than this wet and wild powerboating experience in southampton'! '.strtoupper('a')t the uk's only speedboat experience centre where you drive, take to the wheel of the honda 150 powerboat and zip through the s... Military vehicle experience days join an expert instructor for a thrilling day out in the new forest, riding as a passenger in an ex military austin champ jeep'. '.strtoupper('y')our guide will drive you through the winding roads and idyllic landscap... Supercar experience days this exclusive driving experience, in hemel hempstead, is a great opportunity for admirers of the aston martin v8 vantage'. '.strtoupper('g')ain tips from a professional instructor, and take your favourite supercar for a eigh... Weaponry experience days try your hand at the awesome and ancient sport of axe throwing with this experience based in nottinghamshire'. '.strtoupper('y')ou’ll test your aim, accuracy and strength to the limit as you get to grips with this highly en... Shooting experience days paintballing is an exciting experience in itself, but this game takes it to a whole new level by taking place in a purpose built, custom themed indoor facility in the heart of newcastle'. '.strtoupper('t')ake on your friends ... Helicopter experience days take a trip to the skies as you enjoy an exhilarating cotswolds helicopter buzz flight and give yourself an experience you’ll remember for the rest of your life'! '.strtoupper('w')ith the thrill of a vertical ascent, the ... |