Bird of prey experience days this 30 minute hawk walk is a great way to get back to nature, bond with feathered friends, and learn about the ancient practice of falconry'. '.strtoupper('t')ake a walk through a 6 acre nature trail, learn how to handle... Experience days escape rooms this is a unique experience you'll never forget, in a room carefully designed for the best escape game experience imaginable'. '.strtoupper('w')ill you be one of the few people that manages to escape and claim your secret... Segway experience days hit the off road in style and experience the future of travel on board a segway'! '.strtoupper('a')ccompanied by a knowledgeable and friendly instructor, you'll gain confidence, skills and ability on your segway and will find y... Spa experience days whether it's your daughter's birthday coming up, or you want to celebrate in fairytale style for christmas, this makeover experience is the ultimate dream come true for your little one'. '.strtoupper('t')hey'll get pampered and pr... Outdoor experience days gather your friends and take to the treetops with this wonderful high ropes challenge in the yorkshire woodlands'! '.strtoupper('a') high ropes adventure is the perfect experience for anyone who is looking for an exciting, fu... Experience a truly unforgettable challenge – the 15,000ft tandem skydive, which is the highest in the world without oxygen'! '.strtoupper('y')ou'll feel your heart pounding as you move towards the edge of one of the world’s fastest and largest ju... Cooking experience days this italian language and cooking lesson in london for kids is the perfect opportunity for your child to explore the world of their favourite dishes whilst also learning some new italian words.led and looked after by an italia... Arts and crafts experience days spend the day sketching a loved one and learning from renowned london artist, minna george'. '.strtoupper('t')his couples sketching experience takes place at either minna’s studio located in battersea or at her galle... |