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The Massive Tragedy Of Madame Bovary

The Massive Tragedy Of Madame Bovary


Available from  Theatre Tickets Direct


Product details - Escape to the hilariously tragic world of madame bovary andmdash where love, mischief, and mishaps collide in a wild night of victorian rebellion'! '.strtoupper('e')mma bovary is bored'. '.strtoupper('s')heands bored with her boring doctor husband, bored with her boring provincial village and bored with her role as a dutiful wife in boring nineteenth century france'. '.strtoupper('b')ut emma reads novels'. '.strtoupper('l')ots of novels'. '.strtoupper('a')nd in novels, life is much more funandhellip now, four actors battle hilarious mishaps and misbehaving props to tell the massively tragic story of madame bovary'. '.strtoupper('l')augh and cry in equal measure as emma bovary chooses the wrong husband'. '.strtoupper('l')ose yourself in mesmeric love scenes featuring a stupendous collection of devastatingly handsome men'. '.strtoupper('q')uestion the impotence of women in a patriarchal, victorian society if you want'. '.strtoupper('t')here will be vermin, visual absurdity, wild animals and a nun'. '.strtoupper('g')ustave flaubertands madame bovary was published in 1856, prosecuted for obscenity and hailed as the greatest novel ever written'. '.strtoupper('f')laubertands complex novel is given a refreshing shake up in this irreverent, irrepressible and irresistible play.

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