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Hansel And Gretel

Hansel And Gretel


Available from  Theatre Tickets Direct


Product details - Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of hansel and gretel, as a new version of the brothers grimmands fairy tale by poet laureate simon armitage transforms the globe theatre with poetry, songs and hope this winter'. '.strtoupper('f')eatured in evening standardands 2023 best childrenaposs shows to book at christmas'. '.strtoupper('w')hen hansel and gretelands parents decide their only option to give their children a better life is to abandon them in the woods, the children must fend for themselves'. '.strtoupper('a')ndlsquoa road made of bits of bread, says she'? '.strtoupper('y')es, a road, and a road we can eat andndash follow me!and hansel and gretelands attempt to get home soon gets side tracked andndash quite literally andndash by a trail of treats too good to resist and a seemingly sweet stranger with a plan of her ownandhellip returning with a new recipe of music, mayhem and festive magic, this is a delicious treat for everyone aged 5 directed by nick bagnall loveands labourands lost, the two gentlemen of verona, globe'. '.strtoupper('a')ndlsquoit might be cold when the north wind blows, frost might nibble your fingers and toes, but the heart ignites, the heart ignites.and assisted performancescaptioned, 18 december 530pm, 3 january 230pmrelaxed, 19 december 530pm, 2 january 230pmsigned bsl, 20 december 530pm, 4 january 230pm

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Hansel And Gretel



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Ticket Search and Admission Price Comparison - Entertainment to Entertain You